
Aquanats returning from a day's diving at the Prom
Harry Breidahl

Why we like southern waters, diver and kelp
Glenys Greenwood

The Aquatic Naturalists, or Aquanats as we are commonly known, is a club for Victorian scuba divers who are particularly interested in underwater natural history and photography. The club was originally formed by a group of divers who had completed a marine naturalist course with the inimitable Reg Lipson and were wondering what to do next. Forming a club seemed logical and Aquanats have been diving together ever since.

We mainly dive around Port Phillip Bay and Western Port, with shore dives, such as Flinders pier and Rye pier, being regularly visited. Wilson's Promontory is one of our favourite boat dive sites while Port Campbell, on Victoria's west coast, is also dived as it is the home of one of our members.

We do occasionally take more adventurous dive trips with the Great Barrier Reef's Tryon Island being one place that we have greatly enjoyed.


Aquanats meet at the Brentwood Community Centre at 8.00pm on the first Thursday of every month and have an informal dive program that sees some of us in the water on most weekends (especially in summer).

We also have a monthly newsletter, called Aquanatter, that features articles of interest to our members.

New members are welcome, so contact Harry Breidahl by e-mail at

Blue devilfish
Glenys Greenwood

A swimming anemone
Glenys Greenwood

Yellow zooanthids
Glenys Greenwood

Southern blue-ringed octopus with eggs
Glenys Greenwood

Sea cactus
Harry Breidahl

The eye of a red mullet
Glenys Greenwood

Last updated October 1999.

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