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  A to Z of Oz Marine Life    
A to Z of Australian Marine Life

Teaching Ideas

Pick one of each the alphabet letters and try and build a food chain or food web using as many of them as possible. You will need to include the categories of Producers, Filter feeders, Herbivores, Carnivores, Scavengers, Detritus feeders, and Decomposers.

Discuss the implications to the food web if some species don’t survive and others possibly grow in their population size as a result of climate change.

For each animal in the fact sheet files find out if it lives in your area.
Start your own Biodiversity fact sheet file for your school so future generations have a record of the Biodiversity in your -School grounds, -Own back yard, -At the local park, -In the local stream ,creek ,estuary or river, -On your own beach, rocky shore or sand dune system.

Talk to some of the older members in your community if they have lived in your area for a long time and do an interview about what creatures they use to encounter when they were younger.

Invite a local Scuba diver nature photographer into your class room and show and demonstrate to you just how diverse your local area is and the changes they may have seen over the time they have been taking photographs.

Select 10 of the creatures and find out what current research is happening for that species or group of animals in Australia, if not somewhere else in the world and do a summary report for your class.

Research any of the creatures in the fact sheet list or from the Photo Gallery the list (Do at least 5) and research whether there is a government or non government body, group or society that works to conserve and educate about that creature or group of creature e.g. Do you know what IFAW stands for?

Find out when Animal Action Week is in your state or territory.
Create a list of all the non government and government organisations, voluntary groups or societies you can find that work to conserve aspects about the Marine and Coastal environment e.g. What does MESA stand for?

Using some of the interesting marine and coastal facts from the fact sheets, other new eco facts you have learnt from your research, start working on an AUSSIE ECO-CALENDER for 2010 to give to your friends and family.

Here is an example www.ecokids.ca/pub/downloads/calendar/2008/january.cfm

Pick a creature for each month of the year and for that month

  • Try to take your own photo if you can
  • Write a poem about the life cycle
  • Draw a picture of its ecosystem and habitat.


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