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  Deep-Sea Biology    

Deep-Sea Biology  

Web Resources



Vents and Seeps

ONR Hydrothermal Vents site ;
Monterey Bay Aquar. Res. Inst. Cold-Seep site;
Penn State's Cold Seep site

Deep-Sea Aimals (and Microbes)

The Monterey Bay Aquarium DeepSea page also has fine pictures and descriptions of animals off central California.
Linda Kuhnz of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Inst. has images of many deepsea animals: burrowing (infaunal and benthic).
Dr. H. Bluhm of the deep-sea DISCOL project in Germany has pictures of many deepsea animals.

Deep-sea molluscs, Crustacea, and Pycnogonida

For more detail on deepsea habitats and deepsea molluscs, see the Deepsea Mollusc Site, and for all cephalopods, see Cephbase. For more information on Giant and Vampire Squid, see:

NASA's In Search of the Giant Squid
Smithsonian Magazine

Part V:The Oceans in Trouble

Other News Sites

You can find the latest environmental news concerning the oceans and other habitats at:

Websites for Marine and Global environmental information

Want to help?

  • OCceans Alive : an organization (which you can donate to) that is dedicated to saving the oceans. The site has detailed information on ecosystems as well as environmental issues
  • The Green Community's website on endangered, overfished marine animals , the Audubon's similar website , and the Monterey Bay Aquarium's similar website , all tell us what species to avoid eating, and why.
  • The World Conservation Union -- whose mission is "to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable." (quotation from their website)
  • Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) : are being established as reserves for marine species.MPAs are defined by the World Conservation Union as: "any area of the intertidal or subtidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment." In some studies, MPAs have provided areas for species to re-invade other habitats where they were decimated by human activities


Other Deep-Sea Websites

For another source of news, see Craig McClain's Deep-Sea News website .

Explore The Abyss: Peter Batson's ExploreTheAbyss website has amazing pictures of deepsea life off New Zealand and other places.

A nice overview of common and interesting deepsea animals (with some of my pictures) can be found at Sea and Sky .

General Topics/ Exploration

Vents, Seeps, Seamounts

Deep Life--see also sites at top of this section

  • Giant and Vampire Squids: For information on, pictures of, and a 1997 expedition to find the Giant Squid : NASA's In Search of the Giant Squid . Pictures of the bizarre midwater Vampire squid: (which we did catch, but not in good enough condition for pictures) can be found at Smithsonian Magazine
  • Deep Animals:In addition to pictures from our lab: An overview of deepsea animal can be found at PBS's DEEP-SEA BESTIARY.
  • Depth Adaptations: In addition to information from our lab: A complete lecture on adaptations of life to the deep sea, by Prof. George Somero of Stanford, can be found at BioForum
  • Pictures and descriptions of California deepsea animals in their natural habitats taken by researchers at MBARI Deepsea List .
  • The National Oceans Office of Australia has several pages of pictures and descriptions of deep-sea animals from the Tasman Sea

Epipalgic Animals

Links : Here are pages with pictures, sounds of and descriptions of dolphins and whales:



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