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  News from Tasmania    

June 2002
Report from Tania Stadler

Putting a Toe in the Water: A Teachers' Guide to Getting Started with Coastal and Marine Studies in Tasmania


This just released forty page book contains practical activities, ideas and worksheets for teachers interested in integrating coastal and marine studies into their teaching.

It was funded by Coastcare under the NHT program and was written by Tasmanian teachers with Tasmanian teachers in mind. The book was the outcome of a series of workshops for teachers funded by a Natural Heritage Trust project in 2001, under the umbrella of MESA.

It contains an up-to-date list of resources, including books, kits, videos and websites plus contact people in coastal education and conservation areas.

Whether experienced or beginner, it will be a valuable reference for teachers as, in the words of one Tasmanian Coastcarer,:

"The coasts and oceans are full of amazing and undiscovered wonders. The resources, ideas and activities are countless… The key to our future is through our children. Their hearts and minds are open to ideas, wonder and learning. The Australia that they inherit will be one we have created …. and they will need a great many skills to put it right. It is our responsibility to see they get the best information available."

(Julia Butler-Ross, Rubicon Coast and Land Care)


A copy of the Teachers' Guide has been sent to all Tasmanian schools and additional copies are available free of charge. Student teachers will receive one as part of their university education course.

For further information, contact Tania Stadler at the University of Tasmania, ph: 6226 2838 or email

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