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Seaweek Events around Australia

VIC - A Day on the Bay

Monday 17th February 2014

The Marine Education Society would like to invite VAEE and AAEE members, fish fanciers and marine geeks aboard an ‘educators networking day’ on the Pelican during Two Bays 2014 on Monday 17th February. There is a maximum of 33 places and the cost will be $90 for VAEE/MESA members, $120 for non-members.

The day will showcase some of Victoria’s Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries, involve talks from experts, opportunities to snorkel engage in educational discussions (both marine and otherwise) and sail a 19-metre catamaran!

The full day program will depart and conclude at Docklands and take in one or more of Victoria’s Marine National Parks. For more information on the Two bays project and the SV Pelican see the website:

Places are limited to 33, so book in fast!
$90 for VAEE / MESA members and students or $125 for non-members

Activities will include:

• A demonstration of selected curriculum resources including classroom activities and a tour of the Pelican, a purpose built marine science research vessel

• A journey across the bay under sail (weather permitting) touring some of Victoria’s incredible marine sanctuaries and the chance to jump in if you’re keen!

• A chance to interact with marine scientists and view the equipment used to map and monitor the two bays first hand Outcomes of the day are to:

• Engage teachers / students with Victoria’s marine protected areas and marine environments • Build stewardship for the marine environment and its protected areas

• Build a professional network of teachers interested in marine, sustainability and indigenous issues • Provide teachers access to current marine research in formats designed for classroom use.

• Obtain feedback from teachers on the effectiveness of the curriculum materials under development

• Provide access to practical, classroom-ready materials being developed and highlighting existing educational programs available • introduce participants to new Internationally recognised 7 principles of Ocean Literacy and how they relate to Australian curriculum standards.

Departs at 9am sharp from Ann Street Pier, Williamstown. (please meet at 8.45am)
Free parking available at Seaworks Maritime Precinct

We ask that you bring your own lunch and water bottle as there are no opportunities to purchase food. Tea, coffee and fresh water available on board. Please wear appropriate clothing for a day on Port Phillip Bay. A hat sunscreen and wind proof jacket are highly recommended. If weather permits, an opportunity to snorkel will be provided at participants own risk, so please bring along equipment.

For bookings:
For more information contact event organisers:
Andrew Vance (MESA) 0438201725
Natalie Davey (Saltwater Expeditions) 0425718423


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