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  Habitats - The Southern Ocean    

Come on a journey across the vast Southern Ocean

by Jenni Burdon
MESA Vice-President
Interpretation & Education Officer
Parks and Wildlife Service, Tas
Email: Jenni.Burdon@parks.tas.gov.au

In early January 2003, I had the privilege of travelling with Heritage Expeditions, New Zealand to Antarctica. We left Hobart on board the icebreaker Akademik Shokalskiy and made our way south across the wild southern ocean, to Macquarie Island, on to the Antarctic continent and edge of the ice in the Ross Sea. Our return took us via Campbell and Auckland Islands to Bluff in New Zealand where we arrived 28 days later.

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Image courtesy Heritage Expeditions

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The whole trip was fantastic, the commitment of staff to teach us about the conservation values was inspiring. The expedition team and their leadership, the crew, the passengers and the set up on the ship all made for an amazing experience. The wildlife was truly spectacular and there is no room here to show it all, so I have chosen some of the highlights to share with you.

As explorers and whalers have done in past centuries, we planned to stop on the subantarctic islands and witness the tiny platforms in the middle of the southern ocean, brimming with life.

Next - Macquarie Island - scientists and sealers

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Find out about:

Macquarie Island - scientists and sealers
  Sea Ice and bergs - What is the difference?
Cape Adare - an historic hut on a windswept shoal and one or two penguins!
Possession Islands - covered with Adelie penguins
The journey home - Campbell and Auckland Islands


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