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  Seaweek 1990    

Theme: Turn the Tide

Seaweek '90 coordinator: Don Alcock

Understanding the theme

It's time to turn the tide on marine and coastal pollution. Images of events such as massive oils spills, mountains of rubbish collected at 'clean up Australia' campaigns and plastic strangled seals, provide reminders of our need to take steps in protecting our coasts and oceans from human pollution.

For too long we have used the ocean as a bottomless provider and endless tip. The oceans are a complex living environment which face several major threats, pollution is high up on this list.

To take action towards turning the tide on marine pollution, we need to consider why a clean and healthy ocean is important, what the pollution is and how we can work towards the sustainable management of our seas. With the theme of marine pollution we can explore the issues of:

  • Stormwater and wastewaterMarine debris and litterSewage ocean outfallsDredgingOcean dumpingOil spillsBallast waterBoating
  • Catchment management

Exploring the theme - event ideas

'Seaweek Ambassador'
- A seaweek celebrity for school visits.


School visits to introduce and explore the Seaweek theme by staff at Phillip Island Nature Park and their chosen ambassador, a local professional surfer.


Phillip Island and San Remo Primary Schools


School visits were part of a busy programme for Seaweek, organised by the staff at Phillip Island Nature Park. Other activities included a beach day community festival, marine life seminar, school poster competition and 'surf for the sea', surfing competition.


School visits were organised to encourage involvement in Seaweek and to promote understanding of marine issues. By taking the message to the schools, marine education can be easily and effectively introduced into the classroom, for students and teachers.

Surfrider Foundation

A local surfer was chosen as a Seaweek Ambassador, his reputation with the community gave instant credibility. Glyndon's involvement was a fantastic role model and mentor for many of these students. He represented the communities interest and connection to the sea through surfing. His experience and enthusiasm helped the students to develop an awareness of the sea as an important environment, to be respected and conserved.

Local surfers can be contacted through the Surfrider Foundation.

Search site


Understanding the theme

Exploring the theme - event ideas

Extending the theme - classroom activities

Personal Action

Further Resources

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