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Uni of Tas has a pdf of activities which can be easily modified to be used in any state or territory.

e..g UG2: Students will learn how to minimise impacts of aquaculture on the aquatic environment Plan a new aquaculture venture. Consider the following questions:

• What are the characteristics of a good aquaculture site?

• How are environmental surveys carried out?

• How can you assess water quality?

• What species will you culture?

• How will you maintain your stock in good health?

• What are the environmental impacts of your venture?

• How much will it cost? What are the expected profits?

From the Uni of FloridA. There are 8 modules dealing with most aspects of aquaculture. Material consists of detailed downloadable pdfs, Powerpoint presentations and some Quicktime movies. Obviously material is related to the USA but much of it applies here as well. You need to register to download the materials (jusr seelect any state).

The purpose of this website is to provide teachers curriculum modules on aquaculture and aquatic sciences. These modules have been written at a 9th grade level but are highly adaptable to grades K-12. The modules are activity based and each contains specific directions to multiple low cost and easy to implement activities. Teachers can download these curriculum modules at no cost. Each activity lists the 2010 Florida Sunshine State Standards and Student Performance Standards which are covered by each module. 

These modules are designed to engage students in aquaculture and the aquatic sciences by providing activities, supporting materials, powerpoint presentations, and assessments. There is information and activities related to all the sciences, mathematics, reading, and marketing which you may be able to incorporate into existing lessons in any related course. Please look at the content of these modules and find activities and information which can be incorporated into your classes. Light on env impact.


Modules :

1. Introduction to Aquaculture

This module contains three powerpoint presentations, an introduction to aquaculture, aquariums in the classroom, and career opportunities in aquaculture.

 2. General Biology of Aquaculture Species

This module contains four activities on anatomy of fish, clams, and shrimp/crawfish, and an activity to demonstrate different feeding methods used by fish.  There are six powerpoint presentations on biology of fish, an overview of finfish aquaculture, tilapia culture, tropical ornamental culture, molluscan culture, and a presentation to demonstrate the fish eating activity.  Additionally, there are six supporting extension documents.

3. Design and Operation of Growout Production Facilities

This is a large module with four sections, introduction to aquaculture systems, ponds, recirculating systems, and open ocean.  The Introduction section has two powerpoint presentations and two associated handouts.  The ponds section has three activities including calculations of surface area and volume, soil permeability, and modeling diel changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations.  There are two powerpoint presentations on ponds and eight extension documents.  The recirculating aquaculture systems section has three activities including aquaculture measurements and conversions, RAS components, and constructing and operating an airlift.  Additionally there is two powerpoints on recirculating aquaculture systems and two associated documents.  The open ocean section has a powerpoint presentation so students can visualize this production system.

4. Broodstock Breeding and Hatchery 

The broodstock and hatchery module contains five activities including domestication, spawning of bivalves, spawning of clams, clam larval culture, and hatching brine shrimp.  There are three powerpoint presentations and one associated extension document provided.

5. Water Quality

The water quality module has four activities including a demonstration how dissolved oxygen concentrations change with salinity, nitrification in a tank or biofilter, water sterilization with ultraviolet light, and use of chlorine.  A powerpoint presentation on principles of water quality is provided.  Additionally, five associated extension publications are provided.

6. Nutrition

The nutrition module contains four activities including making a fish food, understanding feed conversion ratios, understanding differences in fish food, and what makes a good fish food.  There are two large presentations on aquaculture nutrition and five associated documents.

7. Harvesting

The harvesting module has an activity on COOL: country of origin labeling.  Additionally, five extension documents on packaging and transporting fish are provided.

8. Plants

The plants module has an activity using a dichotomous key to identify plants.  There are five powerpoint presentations on aquaponics, freshwater plants, an overview of plants, seaweed, and using a dichotomous key.  Additionally, there are ten associate documents provided.








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