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  Vic Marine Ed Resource Guide    
Here is a small selection of resources available to schools wishing to incorporate coastal and marine education into their curriculum.

Victorian-based marine and coastal education contacts

Alma Doepel

Three- masted schooner built in 1903. Berths within the Melbourne Docklands precinct
Contact: Sail and Adventure Ltd. Telephone: (03) 9853 0823

Bayplay Adventure Lodge & Dive Resort

46 Canterbury Jetty Rd
(PO Box 6)
Blairgowrie VIC 3942
Ph: 5988 0188
Fx: 5988 8032
Email: bookings@bayplay.com.au
Web: www.bayplay.com.au

Australian Wildlife Lectures

PO Box 105 The Basin 3154
Contact: Andrew & Lorraine Wegener
Telephone: (03) 9762 7671 Fax: (03) 9761 3766
Email: wegs@scottware.com.au Internet: http://www.scottware.com.au/awl

Barwon Water

61-67 Ryrie Street GEELONG 3220
Contact: Janice Dart Telephone: (03) 5226 2316
Email: janice.dart@barwonwater.vic.gov.au Internet: http://www.barwonwater.viv.gov.au

Bird Observers Club of Australia

183 Spring Road NUNAWADING 3131
Telephone (03) 9877 5342

Camping Association of Victoria
332 Banyule Road View Bank, Victoria 3084
Contact: Don MacDowell Telephone: (03) 9457 5434 Fax: (03) 9457 5438
Email: camping@ozemail.com.au Internet: http://www.cav.asn.au

Cape Bridgewater Marine Ecology Centre

1721 Blowhole Rd Cape Bridgewater Victoria 3305
Phone number (03) 55 26 7267

Coolart Wetlands and Homestead

Lord Somers Road SOMERS Victoria 3927
Telephone: (03) 5983 1644 Fax: (03) 5983 1644


Bag 10 Clayton South Victoria 3169
Telephone: 1300 363 400 Fax: (03) 9545 2175
Email: enquiries@csiro.au Internet: http://www.csiro.au

Department of Natural Resources and Environment

NRE Information Centre 8 Nicholson Street EAST MELBOURNE 3002

Telephone: (03) 9637 8080 Fax: (03) 9637 8150
Email: infocentre@nre.vic.gov.au Internet: http://www.nre.vic.gov.au

Dolphin Research Institute

PO Box 1245 Frankston Vic 3199
Telephone: 03 9783 7466 Fax: 03 9783 7048
Email: dolresin@iaccess.com.au Internet: http://www.dolphinresearch.org.au

Eco-logic Education & Environment Services

4 Kings Corner Great Ocean Road Anglesea, 3230
Telephone/Fax (03) 5263 1133 Email: ecologic@pipeline.com.au


Replica of a schooner built in Hobart in 1830
2 Anne Street WILLIAMSTOWN 3016
Telephone: (03) 9397 3477

Environment Protection Authority

477 Collins Street MELBOURNE 3000
Contact: Information Officer Telephone: (03) 9628 5622 Fax: (03) 9628 5631
Internet: http://www.epa.vic.gov.au

Fishcare Volunteer Program

Fisheries Victoria Cnr Fenwick and Little Mallop Street
Contact: Neville Wright Telephone (03) 5226 4667

Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum

Merri Street Warrnambool 3280
Contact: Colleen Fawks Telephone: (03) 5564 7841 Fax: (03) 5562 6479

Freshwater Discovery Centre

Snobs Creek EILDON 3713
Telephone: (03) 5774 2950/2208 Fax: (03) 5774 2951

Geelong Naval & Maritime Museum

Osborne House, Swinburne Street NORTH GEELONG 3215
Telephone: (03) 5277 2260

Geography Teachers Association of Victoria

503 Burke Road CAMBERWELL South 3124
Telephone: (03) 9824 8355 Fax: (03) 9824 8295

Email: gtav@netspace.net.au Internet: http://www.netspace.net.au/~gtav/

Go Ride a Wave

3 Harvey Street Anglesea 3230
Contact: Chris Porter Telephone: (03) 52632111

Email: info@graw.com.au

Gould League of Victoria

Genoa St. Moorabbin Vic 3189
Telephone 03 9532 0909 Fax 03 9532 2860
Email: gould@gould.edu.au Internet: http://www.gould.edu.au


389 Lonsdale Street MELBOURNE 3000
Telephone (03) 9670 1633
Email: greenpeace@mail.au.gl3 Internet: http://www.greenpeace.org

HMAS Castlemaine Maritime Museum

Gem Pier Nelson Place, Williamstown
PO Box 244 Williamstown, Vic 3016
Contact: Peter Williams Telephone 9397 2363 before 10am weekdays

Imax Theatre

The Museum Complex Rathdown Street Carlton Vic 3053
Contact: Catherine Maguire Telephone: (03) 9663 0200 Fax: (03) 9663 0300
Email: info@imax.com.au Internet: http://www.imax.com.au

Marine and Coastal Community Network

C/- 10 Parliament Place, East Melbourne VIC. 3002
Telephone: 03 9650 4846 Fax: 03 9654 6843
Email: mccnvic@ozemail.com.au Internet: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~mccnet

What's in the guide?

Marine Discovery Centre

PO Box 114 Queenscliff Vic 3225
Telephone 03 5258 3344 Fax 03 5258 1435
Email: seastuff.mafri@nre.vic.gov.au Internet: http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/mafri/discovery/

Melbourne Water

630 Church Street RICHMOND 3121
Telephone: (03) 9235 2100
Internet: http://www.melbwater.com.au

Melbourne Zoo

Elliott Avenue PO Box 74
Parkville Vic 3052
Telephone 03 9285 93333 Fax 9285 9360
Email: mzes@zoo.org.au Internet: http://www.zoo.org.au/education

Melbourne Aquarium

Cnr King and Flinders Street Melbourne, Victoria
Telephone 03 9620 0999 Fax 03 9620 0222
Email: melb_education@underwaterworld.com.au Internet: http://www.melbourneaquarium.com.au

Moonbird Tours

52 Albert Street Port Fairy, Victoria 3284
Telephone 03 5568 1374 Fax 03 5568 1374Mobile 0419 573 540

Phillip Island Nature Park

PO Box, 97 Cowes Victoria 3922
Telephone (03) 5956 8300 Fax (03) 5956 8394
Email: penguins@penguins.org.au Internet: http://www.penguins.org.au

Polly Woodside Melbourne Maritime Museum

Lorrimer Street, Southbank Victoria 3006
Telephone (03) 9699 9760 Fax (03) 9696 6117
Email: polly@nattrust.com.au Internet: http://www.vicnet.netau~nattrust

Port Albert Maritime Museum

Tarraville Road Port Albert 3971
Telephone: (03) 5183 2520 Fax: (03) 5183 2520
Email: billblack@telstra.easymail.com.au

Portland Maritime Discovery Centre

PO Box 245 Lee Breakwater Road Portland 3305
Telephone: (03) 5523 2671 Fax: (03) 5521 7287
Email: slewis@glenelg.vic.gov.au

Queenscliff Maritime Museum

Weeroona Parade QUEENSCLIFF 3225
PO Box 2 Queenscliff 3225
Telephone (03) 5258 3440

Seal Rocks Sea Life Centre

Phillip Island Victoria
Postal Address: RMB 1108 Cowes 3922
Phone: (03) 1300 367 325 (03) 5952 9360 direct Fax: (03) 5952 9393
Email: info@sealrocksvic.com.au Internet: http://www.phillipisland.com

Science Teachers' Association of Victoria

217 Church Street RICHMOND 3121
Telephone: (03) 9428 2633 Fax: (03) 9428 4876
Email: stav@netspace.net.au Internet: http://mag-ic.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/stav

Somers School Camp

Lord Somers Road SOMERS Vic 3927
Telephone: (03) 5983 5302 Fax: (03) 5983 5950
Internet: http://www.somerscamp.vic.edu.au

Steamtug ‘Wattle'

20 Victoria Dock MELBOURNE 3000
Telephone: (03) 9328 2739 Email: baysteamers@virtual.net.au

Surf Life Saving Victoria

A.W. Walker House Beaconsfield Parade St Kilda 3182
Telephone: (03) 9534 8201 Fax: (03) 9534 0311
Internet: http://slsv.asn.au

Surfing Victoria

PO Box 230, Torquay 3228
Telephone (03) 5261 2907 Fax: (03) 5261 4460

Surfworld Australia Museum

Beach Road, Torquay 3228
Telephone (03) 5261 4606 Fax (03) 5261 4675

Internet: http://www.surfworld.org.au

Tooradin Marine Life Centre

PO Box 105 Tooradin Vic 3980
Telephone 03 5998 3410 Fax 03 5998 3677
Internet: http://www.users.bigpond.com/ocean-ed/

Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc.

49 Brunswick Street FITZROY Vic 3065
Telephone: (03) 9416 3833 Fax: (03) 9416 3255
Email: vaeai@vicnet.net.au

Victorian Association For Environmental Education

PO Box 240 RICHMOND Vic 3212
Telephone: (03) 9428 9812 Fax: (03) 9428 0313
Email: vaee@netspace.net.au Internet: http://netspace.net.au/~vaee

Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA)

10 Parliament Place EAST MELBOURNE Vic 3002
Telephone: (03) 9650 8296 Fax: (03) 9654 6843

Wilson's Promotory National Park

Telephone: (03) 5680 9517

Yarra Valley Water

Private Bag 1MITCHAM Vic. 3132
Telephone: (03) 9872 1490 Fax: (03) 9872 1379
Email: enquiry@yvw.com.au Internet: http://www.yvw.com.au

Search site

The following codes will help you to select appropriate materials.
  (EY) Early Years Prep –Year 4
(MY) Middle Years Year 5 – Year 8
(LY) Later Years Year 9 - 12
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