Activities Page 1: Getting to Know You
The activities on this page provide some simple exercises to help learn about some of the birds that use Swan Bay (Includes Jigsaw puzzles - Pelican, Pied oystercatcher, Seahorse and Great egret and Colouring Book )
Activities Page 2: Cool Tools and Neat Feet
The activities on these pages help us learn about some of the important survival features of different Swan Bay animals and plants. (Include Bill Skills and Riddles)
Activities Page 3: Living Together
This activity is designed to help you piece together a food web by describing the flow of energy through this community and linking together many different animals and plants. (Includes Mud Flat Food Web)
Activities Page 4: Catchment Connections.
The health of Swan Bay depends a lot on the quality of water that flows into it from surrounding creeks and drains. This activity is an electronic version of a board game allowing two players to race each other around the Swan Bay catchment while learning about many of the things that affect the health of the bay. |

Swamp Harrier

Sponsors and Links
Marine Discovery Centre (MDC), Queenscliff
Swan Bay Teaching Ideas and Activities were originally developed by the MDC to engage local schools in activities to better understand the importance of Swan Bay and to promote involvement in protecting and improving its catchment. The Marine Discovery Centre has a wide variety of local marine animals and plants on display in their purpose built facility in Queenscliff. They also provide a wide range of programs for schools, conduct professional development activities for teachers, and are a great source of marine and coastal information.
The MDC also is home of a web cam that links Swan Bay with the Fujimae – Higata wetland in Nagoya, Japan.
Contact: Philip Armato
Phone: 03 5258 3344
Website: http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/mdc
Bellarine Catchment Network (BCN)
Formerly known as the Swan Bay Integrated Catchment Management Committee, the Bellarine Catchment Network brings together many organisations including local government, state agencies, and community groups including Friends Groups, to address a broad range of natural resource management issues on the Bellarine Peninsula.
A key part of the work of BCN is in promoting awareness of the regions high conservation values and opportunities to get involved in protecting them, including working with local schools.
Contact: Matt Crawley / Sue Longmore
Phone: 03 5257 4426
Website: corangamite.landcarevic.net.au/bcn
Parks Victoria
Responsible for managing Victoria’s park and reserve system including many important conservation areas, Parks Victoria are also the managers of Swan Bay, a part of the Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park.
Parks Victoria provide information on parks and reserves and also have developed a wide range of education materials to promote understanding of these important areas, much of which is available online.
Contact: Parks Victoria Geelong Office
Phone: 03 5215 5100
Department of Sustainability and Environment
The Department of Sustainability and Environment leads the Victorian Government's efforts to sustainably manage water resources and catchments, climate change, bushfires, parks and other public land, forests, biodiversity and ecosystem conservation.
DSE have recently coordinated revision of a wetland information kit for Victorian schools which is a great resource and accessible online using the link below.
Phone: 13 61 86
Website: /www.dse.vic.gov.au
Wetland Resource Kit: www.dse.vic.gov.au/DSE/nrence.nsf/LinkView/5A5AA094C0F869F1CA2576FE0013470FFE0726F7820140FDCA25770C001B88D8