Marine Education Society of Australasia Home Page

"Cool Seas of Planet Ocean" aims to promote a greater understanding of cool seas as a small step towards conserving the world's most poorly understood marine ecosystems.

Cool Seas teem with hidden ocean treasures.

Our beautiful and fragile cool seas are home to living things that most people have never seen. Start to discover some here!

Exploring our site:

What's Cool about Cool Seas?

Australia's Unique South

Marine Treasures of South Korea

International Connections

Worldwide Distribution
(clickable map)

Further Information and Project Support
(The all important links page!)


Spoonbill ibis in cool-water Korea
need healthy habitat for their food supply.
Photo courtesy of Je Jong-Geel

By spending some time at this site, you will join the growing numbers of people who are becoming more aware of why we must - and how we can - protect the cool water marine resources that sustain us in so many ways. In its first edition, this web site uses examples from Australian and Korean marine and coastal environments to highlight cool seas all over our planet. We welcome additional information at any time.

This site has been developed with assistance from the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Marine Sciences Association, the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation and the Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute.

Look for these organisations (and more!) on our
links page.

Cool Seas of Planet Ocean is compiled and maintained by Julie Murphy and Patrick O'Callaghan. We have acknowledged all materials used - please return this courtesy if you use anything from our site.