We would like to invite you to design and create
a piece of Shark conservation media to celebrate
Seaweek 2005: SOS - Save Our Sharks
All Criteria must be met to enter the Seaweek 2005 Shark Conservation Media Competition
SOS – Save our Sharks
Competition winners
and entries |
- Must focus on a specific shark species found of your state’s coastline and on relevant shark conservation issues.
- Use a variety of research sources and include all references and acknowledgements.
- Must be your own design and artwork
- Include proof of research on shark species and shark conservation issues specific to your state.
- Include a forward on what message you are trying to portray with your piece of media.
- The style of entry is open eg. Sculpture, brochure, poster, website, computer program, postcard, etc.
- The entry must be no longer than six A4 size pages.
- The entries will be judged on fitting all of the above criteria an originality, practicality and accuracy of content.
- All entries must be received by 5.00pm Friday 4 March 2005.
- Student details must be clearly written on a tag securely attached to piece of media. Student details must include Name, Grade, School, School Address, School Postcode, School Phone, School Fax, and a Teacher/Parent signature that this entry is the original work of the student.
One primary student and secondary student from each state will win a Shark Bay Snorkel Tour and a Family Pass to Sea World valid for 12 months. Total prizes valued at over $2,000. The winning designs from each state, along with other outstanding entries will be displayed in the park during Seaweek between 7 – 11 March 2005.
Send entries to:
Sea World Marine Education
Seaweek Design Competition
PO Box 190
You may enter more than once. Winners will be notified 6 March 2005. This competition is open to all Australasian school students. All transport to and from Sea World, meals, beverages, spending money and other ancillary costs are not included in the prize, and are the sole responsibility of the winner. This prize is to be taken within 12 months of the competition closing date and is subject to availability. No extension of the validity date of the prize will be permitted. Prizes are neither transferable nor exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash. The judge's decision in relation to any aspect of the competition is final and binding on each person who enters. Entering contest constitutes agreement to allow media(s) to be published or sold by Marine Education Society of Australasia and Sea World as they see fit in any related publication (newsletter, calendar, etc.). All entered in the contest will remain the property of the Sea World and Marine Education Society of Australasia.
Sea World is a member of the Warner Village Theme Parks ABN 89 149 638 307
Sea World Drive Main Beach Qld 4217 PO Box 190 Surfers Paradise Qld 4217Telephone +61 7 5588 2209 Facsimile +61 7 5588 2187
Warner Village Theme Parks is a trading name of Warner World Australia Pty Ltd ACN 003 816 260
and Village Themepark Management Pty Ltd