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  Seaweek 2007: Marine Bycatch Matters - MESA    
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Photo Gallery

The theme for Seaweek 2007 is “Marine Bycatch Matters”. To assist you with the creation of your eCard we have selected photos that are relevant to the theme of bycatch.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge DAFF, AFMA, FRDC, CSIRO and DEW for allowing us to use their images.

Photo Gallery Categories

1. Bycatch species
2. Fishing gear / types
3. Technologies / Bycatch reduction devices
4. Recreational fishing
Photo gallery thumbnails
Click on a thumbnail to view the full size image

1. Bycatch species
Bycatch species are not limited to the species provided in the photos.
Sea Turtles
Seals and Sea Lions Dolphins
Albatross Silver gull Pelican
Pelicans Black tipped reef shark
Reef shark Prawn Schools of fish

Instructions for use of photos
To download a photo right mouse click on that photo and select "Save Picture As" or select "Copy", the picture can then be pasted directly into a drawing program like Paintshop Pro or Photoshop.

Each of the photos has been resized to enable them to be used for the eCard template. You may resize the photos and use more than one in your eCard.

Next - 2. Fishing gear / types      

Funding for this project has been provided by the Australian Government through the Natural Heritage Trust.
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