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Sponsorship packages

MESA is seeking corporate and government partnerships to support the 2004 Seaweek program.

Seaweek has built a solid reputation over ten years and enjoys continued success, while providing a high quality education program. The MESA website (our major communication tool for Seaweek) had 362,685 visits from September 2002 to August 2003; detail statistics are readily available.

The following partnership packages are available:
1. Principle Naming Rights Partner
2. Associate partnership
3. Other partnership opportunities
    · Scientific Research resources/personnel
    · Postage/packaging
    · Major Prize and supplementary prizes for schools and students.
    · Other ideas welcome with discussion

Please contact us for further details or a Seaweek partnership document at enquiry@mesa.edu.au

Education is vital for the management and conservation
of our coasts and oceans.
MESA invites your support.
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Seaweek 2004
2 Harmful Marine Debris
3 The EAC (East Australian Current)
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