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Where to start
Image courtesy of and copyright to Harry Bredahl
Whale breaching


Barbara Todd's Educational resource kit
"The World of Whales Educational Resource Kit is a well thought out, user-friendly kit that provides everything an educator needs for a class study of whales, dolphin and porpoises.

The kit includes: The whales, dolphins and porpoises chart, To the depths of the sea chart, 8 concept charts, Resource manual, Research booklet, 20 activity sheets and over 100 learning activities.

The Oceania Project
"The Oceania Project site provides current News and Information about Whales and Dolphins and offers the means for you to directly participate in their care, protection and conservation.

It has a comprehensive and expanding library of www information about Cetacea. With a listing of recommended sites to assist you in finding what you want and also a selection of search options if you need to find more specific Cetacean information."

Enchanted Learning - All about whales!
Again Enchanted Learning has a great deal of useful information presented for students. Sections include All About Whales, Whale Info Sheets, Whale Printouts, Anatomy & Behavior, Whale Classification, Picture Glossary, Classroom Activities, Puzzles and Links. There is also information on many species of whale.


WhaleNet - Movie Collection
Has a large selection of video clips from 330K to 12Mb on topics ranging from humpback feeding to the "Infamous Exploding Whale".

Go to the Triple J Whale Tale site at http://abc.net.au/triplej/whales to celebrate this year's whale season

More information

Whales Alive
"Whales Alive is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the protection and celebration of whales and their fragile marine habitat. We are working in a number of different areas on behalf of the endangered whales. Through education, training and vital research we are working to educate people about the whales fascinating natural history and what threatens their survival.

Whales Alive promotes whale watching as a means of understanding whales and provides interpretative narrations by professional naturalists on board whale watching boats. We host training workshops for professionals working in the whale watching industry and, are at present, working together with organisations such as the South Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP), and IFAW, on the sustainable development of whale watching nature tourism in the South Pacific."

Environment Australia
The Federal government website for policy and federal regulations. See the marine species and/or publications sections.

International Fund for Animal Welfare
An International animal welfare organization, they campaign to change policies and practices to improve the welfare of animals and also assist animals directly through their own program work and grants to other organizations.

"IFAW mounts rescue and relief operations to help animals in distress, whether from natural or man-made disasters; collaborates with local communities around the world to preserve critical tracts of wilderness habitat; promotes economically viable alternatives to commercial exploitation of wildlife; and supports sanctuaries for animals around the world. Our campaigns are based on scientific research and bolstered by advocacy with legislators and world leaders for strong laws to protect animals, as well as public education to promote more enlightened coexistence of all living things on this planet we share."

Campaigns include protecting critical Gray whale nursery in Baja Mexico and using science to protect harbour porpoises. The site also includes fact sheets on several whales with classification, description and natural history, status of species, author and sources.

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Marine Animals
Corals and Coral Reefs
Dolphins and Porpoises
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