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10 Results Found, Now Viewing Results 1 to 5

Cottesloe Coastcare

This is a wonderful site that is actively maintained by a hard working team of coast care volunteers. The site shows restoration of coastal areas as well as what is found along the sea shore in a flotsam section!

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 1-2-2010

Marine Life Society of South Australia

The Marine Life Society of SA has a large selection of fish and invertebrate pictures in its indexes. They can also try to answer questions about SA marine life, campaign on marine conservation issues and arrange regular dives.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 3-6-2002


OceansWatch undertakes marine conservation projects and offers humanitarian aid to coastal communities in developing countries in close co-operation with the world's yachting and diving communities.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 5-1-2008


OceanWatch works on projects with fishers around Australia.

Their work focuses on finding practical solutions to environmental problems that affect our coastal environments and estuaries. They also help commercial fishers take up new technologies and improved practices for a sustainable seafood industry.

Our work has won several industry awards including an Award for Excellence from the United Nations Association of Australia, World Environment Day 2005 and an Honourable Mention in the WWF International SmartGear Competition with the Popeye Fish Excluder developed for use in the northern prawn fisheries.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 23-3-2011

Open Oceans Global

OpenOceans Global intend to build an international ocean community that cuts across all sectors of ocean use, protection, management, and research. Check out their new website. Their goal is an international ocean community where the world''s ocean data is creatively presented online using advanced visualization technologies.

Report Bad Link -- Link verified : 9-11-2011
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